A cancer diagnosis in a child is devastating for the entire family, but it can be especially difficult for the siblings of children with cancer. Brothers and sisters are often scared, jealous, angry, or lonely. Carson’s brother Collin is the inspiration for our sibling (support) Superstars program. Collin’s wish for the foundation is that we would help other siblings who are living through the battle that he fought with Carson.
Carson’s Crusaders Foundation hosts Siblings Superstar events for the brothers and sisters of pediatric cancer patients. During these events, siblings will have the opportunity to relax, have fun, and build relationships with other kids who are in similar situations. Brothers and sisters are the STARS at Siblings Superstars events!
Upcoming Superstar Events
We host our annual Superstar event at Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. Ask the oncology Child Life Specialist at one of our affiliated hospitals (or in your outpatient clinic) for details about the event. Space at the event will be limited, so don’t delay.
Siblings Superstar Events are for siblings of pediatric cancer patients who are currently being treated at one of our affiliated hospitals (see list below). If you know a sibling who is interested in attending, contact the oncology Child Life Specialist at your hospital for more information! Your Child Life Specialist can also help you join our sibling mailing list.
Affiliated Hospitals:
Medical City Children’s Hospital